Politleksikon: concepts, facts and interrelations: on the basis of German compendium Shubert

Politleksikon: concepts, facts and interrelations: on the basis of German compendium Shubert / Klein. Das Politiklexicon / translation from German by Valerij P. Ljubin, Maria A. Yelizaryeva; General Editors Valerij P. Ljubin and Reinhard Krumm; scientific Editors Sergei Patrushev, Lyudmila Filippova. - Moscow: Russian Political Encyclopaedia, 2013. - 783 pages: ill.
ISBN 978-5-8243-1753-4

Posted on site: 19.10.15

Текст книги.


This edition is an enhanced and expanded version of the popular German short political vocabulary. The dictionary contains the most commonly used political science terms and concepts that characterize the political realities of modern Germany and Russia, the EU's activities, political processes in Europe and in the world. Many entries are illustrated by diagrams and tables. The publication is addressed primarily to students and postgraduates studying political science, and may also be useful to teachers of political science and all those interested in the political process in Russia, Germany and the world.

Content (in russ)

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