Kliucharev G., Savinkov V. Partnership of Research Institutions and Manufacturing Companies: Russian Experience

Kliucharev G., Savinkov V. Partnership of Research Institutions and Manufacturing Companies: Russian Experience // Mideterranean Journal of Social Science. 2015. Vol.6. №4. P. 404-413.
ISSN 2039-9340

Posted on site: 05.11.15


State policy should at all times offer full support to the innovative development of all sectors of the economy. To accomplish this objective, the state needs to augment the scientific potential of universities and assist in transforming this potential into actual production. It is a two-in-one task: on the one hand, to make sure that universities are adequately preparing specialists capable of performing creative tasks in both production and management; and, on the other hand, to see that universities are attractive for innovative production companies involved in the core sectors of the economy and whose cooperation in scientific areas can strengthen their position in the international market. This article provides a structural analysis of the main principles of state policy in the area of science and an evaluation of its potential to enhance cooperation between universities and production companies. 

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