To the question of citizenship of the Russian civil society
To the question of citizenship of the Russian civil society
Глава из книги: Социально-политическая трансформация в современной России: поиск модели устойчивого развития: сборник статей / Ин-т Справедливый Мир, Рос. ассоц. полит. науки, Ин-т социологии РАН; [редкол.: Л. И. Никовская (отв. ред.), В. Н. Шевченко, В. Н. Якимец]. – Москва : Ключ-С, 2015. – 542 с.
ISBN 978-5-906751-40-9
Posted on site: 02.12.15
The analysis presented the process of formation of civil society and citizenship in the new conditions related to strengthening horizontal linkages and network communication technologies. Рarticular emphasis is placed on analysis of value-motivational component that allows you to track changes in the formation of civic participation and to assess the quality and value orientation of civic activism. Вased on secondary analysis of sociological data of various large-scale sociological studies, it was shown that the formation of civic consciousness correlates with the process of becoming middle class, generational shifts, to improve the quality of human and social capital. In General, the quality of civil consciousness is inconsistency and ambivalence that reflects all contradictory range of conditions of formation of civil society in contemporary Russia.