Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Inter-ethnic Consent in the Regional Context [electronic resource]

Inter-ethnic Consent in the Regional Context [electronic resource] / Project manager and Executive Editor L. M. Drobizheva. – M.: The Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015. – 125 pages.
ISBN 978-5-89697-262-4

Posted on site: 10.12.15

Текст ИНАБа


The bulletin shows how the concept of interethnic consent is perceived in the public consciousness. There are analyzed main components of international consent: positive interethnic attitudes in the labor and informal spheres, interpersonal trust, similarity in the main vital values and purposes in regions with different level of interethnic communications, socio-economic potential and geopolitical situation. Potential of international consent is considered among locals (Russians and people of other nationalities) and migrants (Russian citizens from the North Caucasus and other Russian 124 regions). Conclusions are based on representative sociological surveys in the Astrakhan, Kaliningrad, Moscow areas, Moscow and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) carried out at the end of 2014, 2015, the interviews with experts and representatives of national and cultural communities, statistical and massmedia data. The bulletin shows how the concept of interethnic consent is perceivedin the public consciousness. There are analyzed main components ofinternational consent: positive interethnic attitudes in the labor and informalspheres, interpersonal trust, similarity in the main vital values and purposesin regions with different level of interethnic communications, socio-economicpotential and geopolitical situation. Potential of international consent isconsidered among locals (Russians and people of other nationalities) andmigrants (Russian citizens from the North Caucasus and other Russian124regions). Conclusions are based on representative sociological surveys in theAstrakhan, Kaliningrad, Moscow areas, Moscow and the Republic of Sakha(Yakutia) carried out at the end of 2014, 2015, the interviews with expertsand representatives of national and cultural communities, statistical andmassmedia data.


Арутюнова Е.М., Дробижева Л.М., Евсеева М.А., Кузнецов И.М., Мукомель В.И., Рыжова С.В., Фадеева Е.Ю., Фадеев П.В.
Редактор: Дробижева Л.М.

Content (in russ)