Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Modern state and prospects of development of civil culture in the Russian society

Modern state and prospects of development of civil culture in the Russian society / Edited by M. F. Chernysh. – M.: Russian society of sociologists. 2015. – 160 p.
ISBN 978-5-904804-21-3

Posted on site: 15.02.16

Текст книги.


Мансуров В.А., Черныш М.Ф., Батаева З.В., Епихина Ю.Б., Зобина Е.К., Иванова Е.Ю., Мастикова Н.С., Проценко С.Н., Терин Д.Ф.

Content (in russ)