Ivanova E.Y. The availability of preschool education in Russia: practices of alignment of supply and demand

Ivanova E.Y. The availability of preschool education in Russia: practices of alignment of supply and demand // Social movements, collective action in conditions of social inequality. The Collection of materials of the Round table. Moscow, Federal State Budgetary Educational Governance of Higher Professional Educatoin for Physically Challenged People With Locomotors System Disorder Moskow State Institute for the Humanities and Economics, 2016. P.23-44
ISBN 978-5-9799-0063-6
РИНЦ: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25618156

Posted on site: 30.03.16



The article are considered some practices of alignment of needs for preschool education in various regions of Russia in a historical context Attempt of executive authorities to solve a problem of a dissatisfaction of the registered needs in preschool education by means of payment of  the specialized subsidies involves emergence of new factors of a social inequality of families with children of preschool age.

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