Kornilova M.V. Sociological monitoring of the level and quality of life of older Muscovites: new methodological and organizational approaches ...

Kornilova M.V. Sociological monitoring of the level and quality of life of older Muscovites: new methodological and organizational approaches // Сетевой журнал «Научный результат». Серия «Социология и управление». – Т.2, №1(7), 2016.
ISSN 2408-9338
DOI 10.18413/2408-9338-2016-2-1-12-18
РИНЦ: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25848790

Posted on site: 24.05.16


The author briefly summarizes and analyzes a 5-year experience of monitoring the level and quality of life of the elderly population of the city of Moscow and justifies changes in teaching and organizational and structural aspects of its implementation. The main assumptions are: the annual growth of the elderly population in the total population of the capital; the increase in the share of long-livers among the elderly aged over 80 years in the total population older than working age; the change in the legislation governing the provision of social services for older Russians in general and Muscovites in particular; the blocks of social protection and employment in the unified structure of the Department of Labour and Social Protection of Population of Moscow. The article contains the rationale for changes in the volume of the sample respondents and the frequency of monitoring, the author's technique of formation of a five-stage quota sampling, the justification of amendments in the Toolkit, as well as an updated model of the organization and carrying out of sociological monitoring.

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