Pronina E.I. Professional self-determination of senior pupils (based on the study)

Pronina E.I. Professional self-determination of senior pupils (based on the study)// Actual problems of the sociology of culture, education, youth and management [Electronic resource]: materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation (Ekaterinburg, 24-25 February 2016)/ under gen. ed. Yu.R. Vishnevsky. - Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural. Un-ta, 2016. - 1210 p. - Tit. from screen.
ISBN 978-5-7996-1626-7

Posted on site: 09.07.16


This article presents the results of research of self-determination of senior pupils, which was held in one of Moscow schools for their future profession, analysis of significant factors influencing the result and problems faced by senior pupils in this process.

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