The Life of Research after Research: how to Apply in Practice the Results of Monitoring of level and quality of Life of elderly inhabitants of Moscow

The Life of Research after Research: how to Apply in Practice the Results of Monitoring of level and quality of Life of elderly inhabitants of Moscow
ISSN 1995-042X
DOI 10.12737/20188

Posted on site: 10.10.16



The research of level and quality of life in Russian Federation affected by many leading scientific organizations of the country. This is usually a party to the individual and regular acts population of working age and younger, and studied only individual-level indicators and quality of life of these categories of the population. Studies of life of senior citizens, usually are one-time research in the period of reform and social upheaval. But, at the end of 2010 the President of Russia payed attention on the need to assess the socio-economic situation of senior citizens and the situation began to change gradually. Nowadays, in many regions of the country monitorings of the elderly population are conducting regularly. The author analyzes the 5-year experience of the Comprehensive monitoring the level and quality of life of senior citizens in Moscow in how the results are using in practice. This article contains details the possibilities of using the data of monitoring in administrative, scientific, educational, research and experimental activities for social security agencies of the system of social protection population of Moscow.

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