Solidarity and labour – life-matrix of the russian people

Solidarity and labour – life-matrix of the russian people

Глава из книги: Социология и общество: социальное неравенство и социальная справедливость (Екатеринбург, 19-21 октября 2016 года) [Электронный ресурс] Материалы V Всероссийского социологического конгресса / отв. ред. В.А. Мансуров — Электрон. дан.— М.: Российское общество социологов, 2016. — 10696 С. — (DVD ROM).
ISBN e978-5-904804-14-5

Posted on site: 03.11.16

Текст статьи.


The analysis by the Russian-American sociologist Pitirim Sorokin of great historical destiny of Russia is presented in article. The reasons why its extrapolation of the same destiny on the future, twenty five years later unexpectedly ended for Russia with geopolitical, civilization accident are at the same time considered. Thus the contents and conclusions of article claim, what not everything is lost owing to unique character of the Russian nation and there is a hope for revival of great destiny of Russia.

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