Social risk as the faktor of differentiation (corruption as the example)

Social risk as the faktor of differentiation (corruption as the example)

Глава из книги: Социология и общество: социальное неравенство и социальная справедливость (Екатеринбург, 19-21 октября 2016 года) [Электронный ресурс] Материалы V Всероссийского социологического конгресса / отв. ред. В.А. Мансуров — Электрон. дан.— М.: Российское общество социологов, 2016. — 10696 С. — (DVD ROM).
ISBN e978-5-904804-14-5

Posted on site: 08.11.16

Текст статьи.


There is presented the original approach towards corruption using the methodological instruments of sociology of risk. The different views upon the content of notion social risks, strategic risks are under consideration; it is argued that corruption is the kind of strategic risks of the social development. There are under analysis the damages of corruption, the factors of corruption communication in modern Russia; it is proved that corruption stipulates social differentiation and inequality according resources for risk adaptation.

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