Features of public policy and public interests promotion: russian peculiarity

Features of public policy and public interests promotion: russian peculiarity

Posted on site: 29.12.16

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The paper discusses the formation and advocacy of public interests. It is shown that under conditions of increasing complexity and multidimensionality of the transforming Russian socium as well as emerging pluralism of socio-political interests  the request of civil society to the consistency of the Institute of advocacy and promotion of public interests in the public sphere is growing. The modality of this request is increased by the crisis of social development. With the dominance of the administrative-bureaucratic approaches to building public policy a falsification of feedbacks is occurred along with dysfunction of the public sphere in the direction of strengthening the influence of corporate and bureaucratic interests against the public interests. That inevitably leads to increased social tensions and protests as well a level of confidence of the state activities and the legitimacy of political power is declined. The development of institutions of public participation, mechanisms of intersectoral social partnerships contribute to improvement of the interaction between government and society, as well contribute to the effectiveness of social representation of public interests in the conditions of incompleteness of the processes of socio-political transformation, and also stimulates the public administration reform in the direction of greater openness and publicity. That allows more adequately take into account the increasing pluralism and mobility of social groups and their socio-cultural preferences. Improving the functioning of the Institute of formation and advocacy of public interests raises the importance of the category of citizenship by considering it as an important resource and the basis of raising the quality and democratic character of modern public administration. The article also summarizes the findings of case studies dealing with identififaction and advocacy of public interests in three Russian regions (Kostroma, Tatarstan Republic and Yaroslavl).

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