Mozgovaya A.V. Ecology-economical contradiction: social essence, actors, dynamic. Ojkumena. Regional researches. 2017. No. 1 (40). P. 103-115.

Mozgovaya A.V. Ecology-economical contradiction: social essence, actors, dynamic. Ojkumena. Regional researches. 2017. No. 1 (40). P. 103-115.
ISSN 1998-6785

Posted on site: 17.04.17


There is under analysis in the article the typical for modern Russia ecology-economical contradiction, the essence of which is the conflict between such basic values as the civil write on the favourable environment, economical benefits of some groups and individuals and people health. Such situations are typical for small towns with the industrial plants without which the town dies. The conflict of ecological and economical interests the author considers through the notion of crises, the inauspicious dynamic of which lies from ecological calamity to social disaster. In the article there are presented some main summarized conclusions with practical significance for research field of crises, their essence and dynamic.

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