Mozgovaya A. V. The concept of responcibility in the field of risk research and risk management, Proceeding of Southwest State University, Economy, Sociology, Management. 2017, vol. 7, no. 1(22), pp. 166-174.

Mozgovaya A. V. The concept of responcibility in the field of risk research and risk management, Proceeding of Southwest State University, Economy, Sociology, Management. 2017, vol. 7, no. 1(22), pp. 166-174.
ISSN 2223-1552

Posted on site: 31.05.17



The article is devoted to the evaluation of methodological potential of the concept of responsibility as the base for the sociological substantiation of risk mitigation decision making. The most part of specialists in the field of risk analysis and risk management the goals of risk management see firstly in the decreasing of the probability of the accidents with negative consequences for humans and material objects damage; and secondly - in minimization of such consequences if the accident really takes place. The problem is that damage is treated only as material one, not as “non-economical”. The important scientific and practical task the author formulates as increasing the level of using the sociological methodology, methods and results in the practice of risk management. The claiming of sociological approach to risk analysis the author correlates with the accepting of the fact that it is impossible to explain, predict, manage risk without knowledge of interests, values, sets, attitudes, life style of social groups and individual actors. The point is suggested that the essence of risk management is the process of grounding the sphere of social acceptability of risk and the technology of this process should be risk communication as one of responsible relations. The idea is under consideration that responsibility in the frame of sociology should be treated as the element of social control. The field of such control is subject - object activity or subject - subject relations in this or that social sphere. The responsibility in the context of risk problems connect with such notions as sets, life conditions, resources, actors and strategies of adaptation and realization of responsibility. There are under consideration in the article the data of sociological surveys in the communities where the main conflict between actors of risk communication is the social acceptability of technological risks. The data prove the thesis that responsible risk management should base upon both technological and social methodology and indicators.

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