Kuriukin A.N. Category of justice in multinational states

Kuriukin A.N. Category of justice in multinational states // Social Justice in the Modern World. – / Eds. L.I. Nikovskaya, V.N. Schevchenko, V.N. Yakimets. – Moscow, Publisher «Kluch-C», 2017. – 446 p., рр. 95-105.

Глава из книги: Социальная справедливость в современном мире : сборник статей / Ин-т «Справедливый Мир», Рос. ассоц. полит. науки, Ин-т социологии РАН ; [редкол.: Л. И. Никовская (отв. ред.), В. Н. Шевченко, В. Н. Якимец]. – Москва : Ключ-С, 2017. – 446 с.
ISBN 978-5-906751-91-1
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=362498

Posted on site: 12.10.17



In article on wide theoretical material the author make an attempt to generalize questions of the content of category of equity and its direct manifestation in various planes of functioning of the modern multi national states, in particular the international approaches to understanding of equity in general and its interpretations in the multi national state, market economy and a problem of equity, the fair competition and good governance, equity and human rights, equity and environment, social equity as it is.

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