Chirikova, A. E, Ledyaev, V. G. Governance in Russian Town [Text] 

Chirikova, A. E, Ledyaev, V. G. Governance in Russian Town [Text] / A. E. Chirikova, V. G. Ledyaev ; National Research University Higher School of Economics.  — Moscow: HSE Publishing House, 2017.  — 416 pp. — 500 copies. — ISBN 978-5-7598-1579-2 (hardcover). — ISBN 978-5-7598-1657-7 (e-book).
ISBN 978-5- 7598-1579-2 (в пер.); ISBN 978-5-7598-1657-7 (e-book)

Posted on site: 07.11.17

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The monograph has been written on the basis of the empirical research on governance in fi ve Russian towns conducted in 2011–2015. The book studies the key aspects of relations of power in local communities, including confi guration and hierarchy of the main actors in urban communities, the role of regional actors in the space of local politics, the relationship between representative and executive structures of municipal government, interactions and coalitions between local political actors, and urban regimes in local communities. The research topic and structure follow the logic of urban regime analysis, which became the most popular way of studying governance in local communities. The main bulk of information was collected by the means of in-depth interviews with infl uential urban and regional actors directly involved in urban politics. The book is designed for political and social scientists as well as for those interested in the issues of governance and urban politics.


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