Kukonkov P.i. Education And Modernization Processes In the Conditions Of the Region. Conflictology. 2014. # 5. 166-170.

Kukonkov P.i. Education And Modernization Processes In the Conditions Of the Region. Conflictology. 2014. # 5. 166-170.
ISSN 1818-1198

Posted on site: 16.11.17

Текст статьи на e-library URL: https://elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_22504951_82378976.pdf


The aim of regional policy — mutually non-destructive, taking into account local conditions-the development of spatially localized elements of the scope of the region. Local interests, understood as non-national are to guarantee reproduction on the territory of the community by relying primarily on local resources. The author substantiates the conclusion that trends in the education system of the Nizhny Novgorod region, clearly contradict this objective.

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