Malysheva G.A. Social moods and the search for points of agreement. In: Political agreement: from theory to practice: monograph

Malysheva G.A. Social moods and the search for points of agreement. In: Political agreement: from theory to practice: monograph / col. authors; Ed. prof. O.M. Mikhaylenko. - Moscow: RUSAINS, 2016. 276 with. Pp. 149-172.

Глава из книги: Политическое согласие: от теории к практике : монография / кол. авторов; под ред. проф. О.М. Михайленка. — Москва : РУСАЙНС, 2016. — 276 с.
ISBN 978-5-4365-1428-4
DOI 10.15216/978-5-4365-1428-4

Posted on site: 21.11.17


The subject of the article is the role and place of social and political harmony in the socio-political relations. Its main task the author sees in the identification of relevant points of agreement in modern Russian society. Examines transformation of the social contract in the current Russian context. The thesis that the conservative political agenda can serve as the most promising field for public-political consensus in Russia.

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