Vorobyov D.M., Patrushev S.V., Filippova L.E. Soviet Political Sciences Association: Constituting the community and fighting for the legalization of political science (1960-1991). In: Tendencies and problems of the development of Russian political science in the world context (1955-2017): tradition, reception and innovation ...

Vorobyov D.M., Patrushev S.V., Filippova L.E. Soviet Political Sciences Association: Constituting the community and fighting for the legalization of political science (1960-1991). In: Tendencies and problems of the development of Russian political science in the world context (1955-2017): tradition, reception and innovation / editors O. V. Gaman-Golutvina, S. V. Patrushev. - M.: Political encyclopedia, 2018. - P.14-30.
ISBN 978-5-8243-2145-6

Posted on site: 01.12.17


Formation of an organized community of politics’ researchers - the Soviet Political Sciences Association (SPSA), the creation of a number of academic institutes as the basis for the deployment of research in the field of political science, cooperation of SPSA with the International Political Sciences Association, including participation in the IPSA World Congresses, the organization of the IPSA Moscow Congress 1979, the legalization of Soviet political science in the late 1980s.


Воробьев Д.М., Патрушев С.В., Филиппова Л.Е.

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