Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Aksenova O.V. The influence of traditions on Russian society perception of innovations. In: Asymmetric life of modern Russian society: ratio of traits and innovations [monograph] ...

Aksenova O.V. The influence of traditions on Russian society perception of innovations. In: Asymmetric life of modern Russian society: ratio of traits and innovations [monograph]/ [Aksenova O., Levchenko N, etc.]; ed. Aksenova O.; iSRAS. – digital text (3,01 Mb). – M.: 2017, 207 p. P. 6-32, CD-ROM. URL: id=1198&id=5084

Глава из книги: Асимметрия жизни современного российского общества: соотношение традиций и инноваций: [монография] / [О. В. Аксенова, Н. В. Левченко и др.]; Отв. ред. О. В. Аксенова; ИС РАН. – Электрон. текст. дан. (объем 3,01 Мб). – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2017. 207 с. 1 CD-ROM. URL: id=1198&id=5084
ISBN 978-5-89697-288-4

Posted on site: 02.12.17


The influence of the tradition on Russian modernization is analyzed. The patterns formed in the Russian province during the reforms are considered. Innovations and traditions are presented in the framework of the wide social, economic and cultural context. Several patterns could be interpreted as a sign of the tradition of development shaping in local communities. The research revealed special traditional values of professionals that are oriented towards the progress and human development.