Kuznetsov I.M. The commonality of religious affiliation as a factor of integration of migrants in the Republic of Bashkortostan. In: INAB №3 – 2017. Ethnicity and interethnic relations in a social context ...

Kuznetsov I.M. The commonality of religious affiliation as a factor of integration of migrants in the Republic of Bashkortostan. In: INAB №3 – 2017. Ethnicity and interethnic relations in a social context / [Electronic publication] / [L. M. Drobizheva, etc.]; Resp. editor L.M. Drobizheva. - Electron. text. (the volume is 1.7 MB). - Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2017. - p. 67-72. 1 electron. opt. 12 centimeters disc (CD-ROM).

Глава из книги: ИНАБ №3 - 2017. Этничность и межнациональные отношения в социальном контексте / [Электронное издание] / [Л. М. Дробижева и др.]; Отв. ред. Л. М. Дробижева, С. В. Рыжова. – Электрон. текст. дан. (объем 1,7 Мб). – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2017. – 126 с. 1 электрон. опт. диск 12 см (CD‑ROM).
ISBN 978-5-89697-296-9
DOI 10.19181/inab.2017.3

Posted on site: 19.12.17


The aim of the article is to analyze such specific factors, presumably influencing the integration of migrants, as the similarity / difference in the religious affiliation of the main part of migrants and the host population. Using the example of the representative survey of the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan conducted in 2013, it was shown that, contrary to expectations, the Muslims of the republic refer to the presence of migrant Muslims with significantly greater negativism than the Orthodox host population. This can be explained by the differences in the directions of Islam professed by the host population and migrants, as well as by the threat of penetration of radical Islamism into the host Muslim environment.


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