Dimke D., Rudenko N. Kogda istorija daet sdachi: gorodskie prostranstva i pamjat' veshhej. Jetnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2017, № 6, pp. 12-27.

Dimke D., Rudenko N. Kogda istorija daet sdachi: gorodskie prostranstva i pamjat` veshhej. Jetnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2017, № 6, pp. 12-27.
ISSN 0869-5415
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=30753705

Posted on site: 15.01.18


In the article the authors aim at presenting the notion of “thing memory” which describes the capacity of certain artefact to retain particular pattern of structured space inside and around itself. This notion can help to overcome anthropocentrism of memory studies by focusing on the materiality and its propensities. The embodiment of this notion we can find in the cobblestones of big old European cities. In the article ambivalent nature of the cobblestones is highly emphasized: from the one side, it is important for the maintaining identities of cities, at the other side, the cobblestones are criticized for the inconvenience of the motilities of manifold of urban citizens

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