Abrahamson P., Davidova N., Zdravomislov A., Manning N., Tikhonova N., Veit-Wilson J., Zuziev A. Poverty and Social Exclusion in the New Russia ...

Abrahamson P., Davidova N., Zdravomislov A., Manning N., Tikhonova N., Veit-Wilson J., Zuziev A. Poverty and Social Exclusion in the New Russia / Ed. by N. Manning, N. E. Tikhonova. L. : Routledge, 2017, 303 p.
ISBN 0754637395

Posted on site: 28.03.18


Presenting the findings of a major research project, this  volume investigates the regional, ethnic and socio-cultural aspects of poverty and social exclusion in Russia in recent years. In-depth household interviews and survey data allowed teams from the UK, Denmark and Russia to compare different societies and communities in Russia across several different themes: the definition of poverty in different regional, ethnic and socio-cultural settings; the reproduction and formation of poverty subcultures in different societies and communities; the ethnic/national and political values of poor people; the readiness of poor people for social protest; and a comparison of Russia with other EU countries. Offering a wealth of original data collected following a period of rapid impoverishment of the Russian population, the study considers the challenge this presents to Western European models of poverty and social exclusion.


Абрахамсон П., Давыдова Н., Здравомыслов А.Г., Мэннинг Н., Тихонова Н.Е., Вэйт-Вильсон Д., Цуциев А.

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