P.A. Sorokin. Sociology and Ethics. Traslated by V.V. Sapov. Nasledie, 2017, N 2 (11), pp. 158-162.

P.A. Sorokin. Sociology and Ethics. Traslated by V.V. Sapov. Nasledie, 2017, N 2 (11), pp. 158-162.
ISSN 2312-0517

Posted on site: 30.03.18

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: http://www.rksorokinctr.org/images/nauka/nasledie_11_2017.pdf (дата обращения 30.03.2018)


The article analyzes the logical and actual interrelations of sociology and ethics, briefly describes the history of these interrelations from antiquity to the middle of the twentieth century. The article is translated into Russian for the first time


Сорокин П.А., Сапов В.В.

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