Shchelkin A.G. Modernity as a frankly sociological text. To read it is only necessary to change the «small» consciousness to the «big» one. Telescope: Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research, 2018, N 1, pp. 14-20.

Shchelkin A.G. Modernity as a frankly sociological text. To read it is only necessary to change the «small» consciousness to the «big» one. Telescope: Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research, 2018, N 1, pp. 14-20.
ISSN 1994-3776

Posted on site: 02.04.18



To be in harmony with Modernity is historical grace and good luck. And who does set the parameters of Modernity in our time? A country or a group of countries that are closest to the realization of universal principles in economic, state, civil and spiritual life. In part, this success was accompanied by Antiquity, Europe in the Renaissance and Enlightenment. In greater extent - modern West after 1945. A feasible task for Russia is to use big national consciousness to rise above small, regional consciousness, and thereby to break out of the vicious circle that Balzac Shagreen leather is defined as follows: Liberty begets anarchy, anarchy leads to despotism, and despotism back to freedom. Millions of men have died without the triumph of any of these systems.


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