Veber A.B. Ecology and public consciousness: a difficult path to sustainable development. Vek Globalizatsii, 2017, № 3 (23), pp. 61-76.

Veber A.B. Ecology and public consciousness: a difficult path to sustainable development. Vek Globalizatsii, 2017, № 3 (23), pp. 61-76.
ISSN 1994-9065

Posted on site: 03.05.18

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 03.05.2018)


Mass formation of ecological consciousness is a necessary premise for the transition to sustainable development, i.e. for such changes in the development of society, which would remove the excessive anthropogenic burden on the biosphere. The value essence of the concept of sustainable development is a retreat from a utilitarian attitude to nature, the recognition of its intrinsic value, limited natural resources, the impossibility of boundless growth, need for acquiring ethic of self-restraint, sufficiency and accountability in public behavior. Divergences in people’s verbal judgments with their actual behavior allow carrying the distinction between passive (the majority) and active (active minority) ecological consciousness. Among the countries of the world there are strong differences in the effectiveness of environmental policies, and the results in general are still far from the desired goals of sustainable development.

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