Bychin V.B., Zabelina O.V., Makushina L.V., Mirgorod E.E. Regulation of labour in the system of personnel management: the experience of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Economics and Entrepreneurship. 2017. № 4-1 (81-1). P. 821-825.

Bychin V.B., Zabelina O.V., Makushina L.V., Mirgorod E.E. Regulation of labour in the system of personnel management: the experience of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Economics and Entrepreneurship. 2017. № 4-1 (81-1). P. 821-825.
ISSN 1999-2300

Posted on site: 30.05.18


The article deals with the problems of developing a local system of regulation and standardization of labor on the basis of special scientific and practical research in the field of adjustment and regulation of the human resources potential of the university, including through the use of methods of rationing labor and attracting students for this activity. Based on the results of the analysis, recommendations were proposed for use in the system of personnel management at the university.

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