Ryzhova S.V. Contents and Dynamics of Ethnic Identity in Russia. In: Ethnic and Religious Diversity of Russia

Ryzhova S.V. Contents and Dynamics of Ethnic Identity in Russia. In: Ethnic and Religious Diversity of Russia / ed.by V. Tishkov, V.Stepanov. Edition 2, revised and enlarged. - Moscow: IEA RAS, 2018. P. 119-135.
ISBN 978-5-4211-0205-2
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=32753619

Posted on site: 21.08.18

Текст главы/монографии на сайте Института этнологии и антороплогии РАН URL: http://static.iea.ras.ru/news/Ethnicheskoe_i_religioznoe_mnogoobrazie_Rossii_izdanie_2.pdf (дата обращения 21.08.2018)


The dynamics of ethnic identity and ethnic solidarity in Russia of the post-Soviet period is considered from the ethno-sociological point of view; theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of these phenomena are proposed. It is concluded that the actualization of ethnic identity carries with it the risks of social destabilization only in the case when ethnic identity is combined with the attitudes of intolerance and rejection of the multicultural way of Russian reality. The formation of Russian national and civil identity is based on the ideas and emotions included in the complex of positive ethnic identity. Ethnic solidarity of Russians in the republics is connected with the all-Russian identity and trust of the Central government

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