Rybakova Larisa N. New drugs as interdisciplinary research problem. International research journal, 2018, Issue 9 (75), Part 2, September, pp. 79–85.

Rybakova Larisa N. New drugs as interdisciplinary research problem. International research journal, 2018, Issue 9 (75), Part 2, September, pp. 79–85.
ISSN 2303-9868 (print); ISSN 2227-6017 (online)
DOI 10.23670/IRJ.2018.75.9.041

Posted on site: 25.09.18

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: https://research-journal.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/9-2-75.pdf (дата обращения 25.09.2018)


The appearance on the market of “new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances” is noted both in Russia and abroad. It is due to new technologies (“designer production” of chemicals), as well as a need to bypass drug policy focused on the criminalization of drug trafficking. Due to its latency, the consumption of “new drugs” is not sufficiently studied. In the article, this process is viewed as a destructive interaction between “demand” and “supply” at the micro and macro level of the social system. Demand is conditioned by the need of a person for discrete intoxication, and the offer is due to the active and diverse promotion of the product to the consumer. The article analyzes the results of surveys of conventional “experts” from different communities. The difficulties in counteracting this dysfunction of the social system due to its multifactor character are shown. A conclusion is drawn about a more vivid character of the initiation and provocation of new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances among “newcomers” who are prone to experimentation in comparison with experienced drug users. Keywords: new psychoactive substances, designer drugs, new drugs, drug abuse situation, antidrug policy, preventive measures .

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