October revolution and modernity. Socio-political lessons: [monograph]
October revolution and modernity. Socio-political lessons: [monograph] / resp. edited by Y. A. Krasin, O. M. Mihalinec, Y. S. Oganisyan. M.: FCTAS RAS, 2018. 374 p.
ISBN 978-5-89697-303-4
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35596831
Posted on site: 04.10.18
The monograph, prepared by a team of scientists - political scientists, sociologists, philosophers, historians, is devoted to the centenary of the October revolution of 1917 in Russia. The anniversary gives grounds to raise a number of non-trivial questions about its origins, content, historical significance and answer them. The authors argue their assessments and conclusions with references to known facts, judgments of participants and witnesses of events - both leaders and supporters of the revolution and their opponents. The book is addressed to researchers and teachers, graduate students and students specializing in political sociology and related disciplines The monograph, prepared by a team of scientists - political scientists, sociologists, philosophers, historians, is devoted to the centenary of the October revolution of 1917 in Russia. The anniversary gives grounds to raise a number of non-trivial questions about its origins, content, historical significance and answer them. The authors argue their assessments and conclusions with references to known facts, judgments of participants and witnesses of events - both leaders and supporters of the revolution and their opponents.The book is addressed to researchers and teachers, graduate students and students specializing in political sociology and related disciplines
Брега А.В., Бушуев В.Г., Вебер А.Б., Водолазов Г.Г., Красин Ю.А., Курюкин А.Н., Лапкин В.В., Михайленок О.М., Назаренко А.В., Оганисьян Ю.С., Пантин В.И., Подъячев К.В., Романовский Н.В., Щенина О.Г., Яжборовская И.С.Редакторы: Красин Ю.А., Михайленок О.М., Оганисьян Ю.С.
Content (in russ)
Главы из этой книги:
- Назаренко А. В.. (C. 94-117)
- Пантин В. И.. Pantin V.I. October revolution of 1917: lessons for the modernization of Russia. In: October revolution and modernity. Socio-political lessons: [monograph] / Resp. edited by Y. A. Krasin, O. M. Mikhailenko, Y. S. Oganisyan. Moscow: fnmc RAS, 2018. P. 144-155 (C. 144-155)
- Михайленок О. М.. Mikhailenok O.M. Army of the Russian Empire: from the Great reforms to October 1917. In: October revolution and modernity. Socio-political lessons: [monograph] / resp. edited by Y. A. Krasin, O. M. Mihalinec, Y. S. Oganisyan. M.: FNESC wounds, 2018. P. 220-244. (C. 220-244)
- Курюкин А. Н.. (C. 272-293)
- Подъячев К. В.. Podyachev K.V. The unity of the history of Russia: continuity of the Russian. In: October revolution and modernity. Socio-political lessons / resp. edited by Y. A. Krasin, O. M. Mihalinec, Y. S. Oganisyan. M.: the data of the FRMC wounds, 2018. S. 293-314 (C. 293-314)
- Щенина О. Г.. Schenina O.G. The concept of revolution in the new social reality. In: October revolution and modernity. Socio-political lessons: [monograph] / resp. edited by Y. A. Krasin, O. M. Mihalinec, Y. S. Oganisyan. M.: FNESC wounds, 2018. P. 315-329. (C. 315-329)
- Брега А. В.. Brega A.V. Social inequality as a condition of revolutionary changes. In: October revolution and modernity. Socio-political lessons: [monograph] / Resp. edited by Y. A. Krasin, O. M. Mikhailenko, Y. S. Oganisyan; SNITZ wounds. - Moscow: fnmc RAS, 2018. 330-341 p. (C. 330-341)