Eliseeva I.I., Dmitriev A.L. Creation of CSB and Soviet statistics. Questions statistics. 2018; 25 (9): 63-73.

Eliseeva I.I., Dmitriev A.L. Creation of CSB and Soviet statistics. Questions statistics. 2018; 25 (9): 63-73.
ISSN 2313-6383

Posted on site: 16.11.18


In an article dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CSB, the main outline of events connected with the creation in July 1918 of the Central Statistical Office (CSB) of the RSFSR was recreated. The influence of the current situation on the adoption of this decision, primarily the reluctance of the pre-revolutionary KTC to cooperate with the Soviet authorities, is shown. Discusses the discussion around the creation of the CSB and the principles of organization of Soviet statistics. The role of representatives of Zemstvo statistics, who accepted the new power in the country after the events of October 1917, is shown. The problems that stood before the CSB as a body within the structure of the Soviet power are indicated.

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