Miryasova OI.A. Citizen’s subjectness as a prerequisite for formation of political field. Political science (RU), 2018, Issue 2, pp. 214-233.

Miryasova OI.A. Citizen’s subjectness as a prerequisite for formation of political field. Political science (RU), 2018, Issue 2, pp. 214-233.
ISSN 1998-1775
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35359389

Posted on site: 21.11.18


The article describes the phenomenon of citizen’s subjectness, an analysis of the conditions of its emergence and role in the formation of the political field. The author considers the importance of formal civil rights, empowerment and mobilizing actors to ensure the subjectivity of the individual. The empirical evidence (interviews, data of included observation and linguistic statistical analysis of texts) illustrates the possibilities of using theoretical ideas of the «political field», «power zone», «proto-political field» for studying political processes in contemporary Russia.

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