Konstantinov V.V., Gritsenko V.V., Khukhlaev O.E., Ryzhova S.V. The structure of the religious identity of modern Orthodox youth. Psychological Journal, 2018, Vol. 39, Issue 4, pp. 95-104.

Konstantinov V.V., Gritsenko V.V., Khukhlaev O.E., Ryzhova S.V. The structure of the religious identity of modern Orthodox youth. Psychological Journal, 2018, Vol. 39, Issue 4, pp. 95-104.
ISSN 0205-9592
DOI 10.31857/S020595920000074-7
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35744949

Posted on site: 28.11.18


The structure of religious identity of modern orthodox youth has been studied; verification of applicability of modern methodological tools that had been developed in the field of religion and social psychology to the construct under description has been conducted. The research was designed according to the tradition in study of religiosity proposed by G. Allport and continued by D. Van Camp.  D. Van Camp's “Individual/Social Religious Identity Measure” and C. Leach's et al. “The Group Identification Scale” were used. It has been revealed that the structure of religious identity of Russian orthodox youth can be described by three factors: social component, individual component and out-of-confession. The most powerful is individual component of orthodox religiosity that reflects the faith as personal relations with God. The most important component of group orthodox identity (identification with religious group) is connected with subjective experiencing of positive emotions induced by belonging to the Orthodox Church.

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