Vozmitel A. A. Social and socio-psychological characteristics of the success in today's Russia. SocioTime, 2018, Issue 2(14), pp. 67-74. DOI: 10.15350 ...

Vozmitel A. A. Social and socio-psychological characteristics of the success in today`s Russia. SocioTime, 2018, Issue 2(14), pp. 67-74. DOI: 10.15350/2410-0773.2018.2.67
ISSN 2410-0773
DOI 10.15350/2410-0773.2018.2.67
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36421471

Posted on site: 10.12.18

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: https://www.volgatech.net/sociotime/archive/ (дата обращения 10.12.2018)


The significance of the utilitarian motivations of individuals as well as of the self-seeking values are increasing in Russian society. Russia is, therefore, moving to the type of the culture, in which success is seeing to be reach at any price. Moreover, private and social success in our society relates to different types of individualism, which are based on the principle of benefit from inter individual relationships and the achievement of private goals at the expense of other people's interests. The study of a group of successful young people (25-30 years old) in Moscow confirms the conclusion about the increased significance of utilitarian and pragmatic, sometimes even criminal, motivations in the social behavior of youths. At the same time, the study shows that private and business success of young Muscovites is very closely connected with private and social responsibility. The individualism of these people has, therefore, social character, and they have considered attitude to the questions of social fairness and social solidarity. The pronounced socio-patriotic motivation of the studied group is combined with the obvious hedonistic motivation of the activities. These people are not seeking for success at any price. They belong to a new socio-cultural type of people, which combines different social characteristics. The combination, which was nearly not possible in the recent past.


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