Duka A. Transformation of Post-Soviet Political-Administrative Elites. In: Rising Powers, Institutions and Elites. Brazil, China, Russia, Turkey ...

Duka A. Transformation of Post-Soviet Political-Administrative Elites. In: Rising Powers, Institutions and Elites. Brazil, China, Russia, Turkey / Ed. by Nicolas Monceau and Daniel Bourmaud. Bordeaux: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2018. P. 127-155.
ISBN 979-10-300-0280-5

Posted on site: 18.12.18


The article deals with the problem of institutionalization of Russian elites after the collapse of state socialism. The institutional, structural and personal aspects of this process are analyzed. The transformation of the Russian power elite has not been completed, which is due to the continuing social uncertainty and relatively short time of institutionalization of new power groups. However, the main trend has been determined enough. The Russian ruling elite is clearly focused on the development of capitalist relations, but with a strong state patronage. Obviously significant interlacing at the personal level of economic, administrative and political elite. In institutional and structural terms, the dominant position is occupied by the highest administrative elite, which carries out authoritarian integration and consolidation.


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