The Scientific School of Public Health founded by I

The Scientific School of Public Health founded by I.N. Gurvich (1952-2014). News of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.A. I. Herzen, 2018, Issue 187, pp. 165-176.
ISSN 1992-6464

Posted on site: 27.12.18


The article is devoted to the emergence and development of the school of public health, which has become one of the scientific and practical centers of modern Russia in the field of public health. The formation of the school was preceded by the rapid development of health sciences in the world in the twentieth century and the work of a number of domestic psychologists, sociologists and psychiatrists to study such a complex phenomenon as health, its complex biological, psychological and social conditionality. The appearance of the school is associated with the name of Joseph Naumovich Gurvich, a psychiatrist of the highest category, doctor of psychological sciences, an outstanding researcher and teacher. The school appeared in St. Petersburg in the late 1990s against the backdrop of the dramatic social and political changes that the country was experiencing, which, as is known, are accompanied by the growth of all kinds of deviations in society. The emergence of the school was a response to the challenges of the time and an attempt to counter the negative social phenomena scientifically based system measures to protect the mental health of society.

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