Results and consequences of the First World War: a glance after a century [Text]: collection of articles of the All-Russian Scientific-Theoretical Conference (Voronezh, May 16–17, 2018) ...

Results and consequences of the First World War: a glance after a century [Text]: collection of articles of the All-Russian Scientific-Theoretical Conference (Voronezh, May 16–17, 2018) / editor: A. A. Bogdashkin (Ed.) [ and etc.] ; VUNC VVS Air Force; FNISTS RAS; FSBI “Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences”; FSBI “Institute of General History of RAS”. - Voronezh: Publishing and Printing Center Scientific Book, 2018. - 422 p.
ISBN 978-5-4446-1241-5
DOI нет

Posted on site: 19.03.19

Текст книги.


This book publishes materials from the All-Russian Scientific-Theoretical Conference “Results of the First World War: A Look through the Century”, held at the Military Training and Scientific Center of the Air Force “Air Force Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin »May 16–17, 2018 Current issues related to the socio-economic and political consequences of war, the history of international relations, the development of military thought and military art, and the impact of war on world culture and art are considered. tvo.Dlya professional historians, political scientists, sociologists, all the humanities and professionals interested in the history of the First World War and the interwar period.



Ильинов Е.В., Богдашкин А.А., Яжборовская И.С., Полунин Е.С., Петрунина О.Е., Кукушкина И.А., Матвеева А.Г., Бровко Л.Н., Алленов С.Г., Котова Е.В., Романенко С.А., Величко О.И., Намазова А.С., Теплухин В.В., Корунова Е.В., Хорошева А.О., Дуров В.И., Клименко З.В., Лопатина Е.Б., Волокитина Т.В., Пилько Н.С., Строганова Е.Д., Балезин А.С., Ащеулов О.А., Шендриков Е.А., Базанов С.Н., Аверченко С.В., Курицын С.В., Хавкин Б.Л., Болтрукевич В.А., Ипатов А.М., Михальченко С.И., Ткаченко Е.В., Куренная Н.М., Купцова И.В., Копаев М.Ю., Лескинен М.В., Сотников А.И., Мозалевский А.В., Лепехина Г.И.
Редактор: Богдашкин А.А.

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