Avdetsky A.G., Mikhaylyonok O.M., Schenina O.G. Local self-government in the conditions of formation of the network society: political aspects. In: Local self-government in the conditions of global challenges of modern Russia: collection of materials of scientific and practical conference with international participation on April 4-5, 2019., Ed. ed. gr.: O. V. Lokota, A. P. Gorbunov, A. Yu. Shutov (hands.), A. V. Ponedelkova (Deputy head), T. A. Uzdenov etc. Rostov n ...

Avdetsky A.G., Mikhaylyonok O.M., Schenina O.G. Local self-government in the conditions of formation of the network society: political aspects. In: Local self-government in the conditions of global challenges of modern Russia: collection of materials of scientific and practical conference with international participation on April 4-5, 2019., Ed. ed. gr.: O. V. Lokota, A. P. Gorbunov, A. Yu. Shutov (hands.), A. V. Ponedelkova (Deputy head), T. A. Uzdenov etc. Rostov n/D: publishing house of URIU Ranepa, 2019. P. 98-104.
ISBN 978-5-89546-987-3

Posted on site: 04.04.19


The article deals with the problem of communication of actors of local politics in a network society. An attempt is made to analyze the design of network interactions of local governments and civil society structures to solve urgent local problems. The idea that network public management and network public policy at local level allow to build effective models of interaction between the power and citizens is proved. Based on the content analysis of a number of studies, the authors conclude that the network society is characterized by innovations in the system of local self – government-the formation of political, social and economic agenda on the basis of network interaction.



Авдецкий А.Г., Михайленок О.М., Щенина О.Г.

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