Kabashova E.V. Statistical analysis of the main indicators and consequences of demographic aging of the population in the Volga Federal District. Successes of modern science and education, 2016, Vol. 3. Issue 7, pp. 79-82.

Kabashova E.V. Statistical analysis of the main indicators and consequences of demographic aging of the population in the Volga Federal District. Successes of modern science and education, 2016, Vol. 3. Issue 7, pp. 79-82.
ISSN 2412-9631
DOI нет
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=26481863

Posted on site: 02.08.19


The article substantiates the relevance of the study of the most important demographic trend - aging of the population, analyzes the consequences of this process. Regression models of the dependence of socio-economic and demogaphic processes on the aging of the population are constructed.

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