Chumikov A. N. Alternative civilian service as a particular kind of labour activity, a citizen`s right and a method of filling unpopular jobs: the modern problems and their possible solutions. In: The Future of work: global challenges and regional development : collection of articles of the International Forum Future of work: decent work for all (Ufa,February 4-5, 2019) ...

Chumikov A. N. Alternative civilian service as a particular kind of labour activity, a citizen`s right and a method of filling unpopular jobs: the modern problems and their possible solutions. In: The Future of work: global challenges and regional development : collection of articles of the International Forum Future of work: decent work for all (Ufa,February 4-5, 2019) / ed. by Baimurzina G.R., Valiakhmetov R.M. Ufa: Mir Pechati, 2019. P. 344-349.

Глава из книги: Будущее сферы труда: глобальные вызовы и региональное развитие: сборник статей Международного форума «Будущее сферы труда: достойный труд для всех» (г. Уфа, 4-5 февраля 2019 г.) / под ред. Г.Р. Баймурзиной, Р.М. Валиахметова. – Уфа: Мир Печати, 2019. - 492 с.
ISBN 978-5-9613-0599-9

Posted on site: 23.09.19

Текст статьи.


In 2002 the Federal Law «On Alternative Civilian Service» was adopted. The Law regulates the  the relations associated with the realization of the constitutional right of Russian citizens to replacement of conscription military service by alternative civilian service (ACS), which is qualified by the Law as a particular kind of labour activity in the interest of the society and the State. The practice of the application of the Law has revealed a group of problems, the most important of which are the following: the principles of the ACS service, the period of service, the influence on the quantity and quality of the conscription in the Russian armed forces. On the basis of an analysis of statistical outputs, the quantitative and qualitative research of relevant audiences, the article considers the necessity of improvement to the Law «On Alternative Civilian Service», and substantiates actual recommendations in this respect.    Альтернативная гражданская служба; принципы отбора; сроки прохождения службы; призыв в Вооружённые силы; профессии и должности для АГС; Alternative Civilian Service; the principles of ACS; the period of service; conscription in the Armed Forces; jobs.

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