Nikovskaya L. I., Yakimets V. N. Network technologies and public–state administration. In: Opportunities and threats of digital society: Collection of scientific articles. Under the General editorship of A. V. Sokolov, A. Vlasova. Yaroslavl, 2019. P. 167-172.

Nikovskaya L. I., Yakimets V. N. Network technologies and public–state administration. In: Opportunities and threats of digital society: Collection of scientific articles. Under the General editorship of A. V. Sokolov, A. Vlasova. Yaroslavl, 2019. P. 167-172.
ISBN 978-5-6042652-5-3

Posted on site: 07.10.19

Текст статьи.


The Development of institutions of public participation, e-democracy contribute to increasing the intensity of interaction between the government and civil society, as well as stimulates the reform of public administration in the direction of increasing openness and publicity, which allows more adequately take into account the growing demand of the young, educated urban middle class. The definition of the concept of public administration is given, the categories of political and legal institutions and mechanisms are introduced. It is shown that the sustainable development of public administration is associated with the strengthening of the role and intensity of civil participation in the decision-making and implementation processes related to the development of Internet technologies of public policy (crowdsourcing, network communities, electronic voting, procedures for the development and adoption of management decisions on-line, etc.).

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