Turakayev M.S. Job Security and Other Socio-Labor Factors of the Job and Education Match

Turakayev M.S. Job Security and Other Socio-Labor Factors of the Job and Education Match

Глава из книги: Россия реформирующаяся: ежегодник: вып.17 / отв. ред. М. К. Горшков – М. : Новый Хронограф, 2019. – 576 с.
ISBN 978-5-94881-457-5; ISSN 2618-7523
DOI 10.19181/ezheg.2019.18

Posted on site: 31.10.19

Текст статьи.


The author makes conclusions about the impact of some socio-demographic and socio-labor factors on Bashkortostan residents’ satisfaction level of their education and job-education match. The article is based on the data from the sociological surveys of 2018 and 2007 years «The Development of the Human Potential of the Republic of Bashkortostan». Analysis of the literature shows that the authors, on the one hand, emphasize vocational training and labor market features as factors of the job in another fi eld of specialty, and labor market strategies of the people, on the other hand. Such work conditions as informal work and underemployment make the greatest impact on job and education mismatch. Satisfaction with level of education also depends on social and labor factors, and it is higher among those who work in their specialty fi eld than among those who work in another area of specialization. Those who employed in private organizations, work as entrepreneurs, and self-employed are relatively more likely to work in another fi eld of specialty. Informal and precarious job is most common to such types of employment.

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