Mchedlova M.M. State-Confessional Policy and Strengthening All-Russian Identity: An Example of Islamic Education. Vestnik of Moscow state linguistic university. Social sciences, 2019, Issue 3(836), pp. 116-139.
Mchedlova M.M. State-Confessional Policy and Strengthening All-Russian Identity: An Example of Islamic Education. Vestnik of Moscow state linguistic university. Social sciences, 2019, Issue 3(836), pp. 116-139.
ISSN 2500-347X
Posted on site: 03.12.19
The religious factor, which became especially acute in the lastfew decades requires other social and political strategy to ensure the betterconsolidation of various groups in the contemporary Russian society. Russia is amulti-confessional state. Therefore, the success of the consolidation process isdependent on the awareness of this specific feature, in particular, the diversityof cultural and religious traditions. The political emphasis of educational policyin the field of Islamic education is aimed at maintaining the country as unitebody with identical semantics of religious and cultural values. Such a countrywill be successfully meeting many political challenges of the present time. Theresearch methods used in this work are based upon the understanding of thephenomenon of Russia as multi-confessional civilization. Their relevance isconfirmed by the sociological data collected in the course of a mass survey ofthe Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences as well as thedata collected by the MA students of the Bulgarian Islamic Academy.