Guseynova K.E. Assessment of the level of innovative (scientific and technological) development of regions in the context of spatial interaction problems. In: The future of sociological knowledge and challenges of social transformations (to the 90th anniversary of the birth of V. A. Yadov). – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2019. PP. 548-552.

Guseynova K.E. Assessment of the level of innovative (scientific and technological) development of regions in the context of spatial interaction problems. In: The future of sociological knowledge and challenges of social transformations (to the 90th anniversary of the birth of V. A. Yadov). – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2019. PP. 548-552.

Глава из книги: Будущее социологического знания и вызовы социальных трансформаций (к 90-летию со дня рождения В. А. Ядова). [Электронный ресурс]. Международная научная конференция (Москва, 28–30 ноября 2019 г.). Сборник материалов / Отв. ред. М. К. Горшков; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2019. — С. 903.
ISBN 978-5-89697-316-4
DOI 10.19181/yadov_conf.2019

Posted on site: 17.12.19


The text presents the results of the study of the problem of innovative development in the regions of the Russian Federation. The assessment of barriers to the implementation of innovative projects based on the analysis of work at the regional level. The methodological feature of the qualitative analysis of the collected material is the application of V. A. Yadov's concept of identification of citizens in the space of innovative social development as own and non-own groups.

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