Power and elites, 2019, Vol

Power and elites, 2019, Vol. 6, Issue 1.
ISSN 2410-9517
DOI 10.31119/pe.2019.6.1
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=59624

Posted on site: 30.12.19

Текст альманаха на сайте журнала URL: http://socinst.ru/wp-content/uploads/base/journals/text/powerandelites/vlast-i-elity_2019_6_1_full.pdf (дата обращения 09.01.2019)


The almanac deals with theoretical and methodological problems of power structures, authorities, and elites in Russia and the other countries. A special attention is devoted to investigation of elites and to interactions among elite groups and between elite groups and the civil society. The periodical is of interest for social scientists and those who teach sociology, political science, and history, as well as for different categories of experts, consultants, and politicians.



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