Lenkov R.V., Bogdanov V.S. Problems of the “assembly” of the future Russian intelligentsia as a sociocultural potential modernization: sociological and management discourse. The scientific result. Sociology and management, 2019, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 163-175.

Lenkov R.V., Bogdanov V.S. Problems of the “assembly” of the future Russian intelligentsia as a sociocultural potential modernization: sociological and management discourse. The scientific result. Sociology and management, 2019, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 163-175.
ISSN 2408-9338
DOI 10.18413/2408-9338-2019-5-4-0-14

Posted on site: 30.12.19

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: http://rrsociology.ru/media/sociology/2019/4/163-175.pdf (дата обращения 30.12.2019)


The article presents the results of the analysis of the problem of “assembly” of the future Russian intelligentsia as a potential of sociocultural modernization from the perspective of sociological and managerial discourse. Authors understand by intelligentsia not only a class engaged in the production of socially and culturally significant patterns for society, but also group-formation processes, as well as the functioning of a certain subjectivity (the interaction of individuals and groups), which are responsible for the formation and achievement of the image of the future on the basis of the implementation of the socio-humanitarian approach and formation of management with infosocial feedback. The historical experience of “assembly” is presented and the current state of the Russian intelligentsia is interpreted. The research problem of the “assembly” of the future Russian intelligentsia is associated with the project-network society, where the role of social platforms for the implementation of creative ideas in the form of social self-organization is high. In conclusion, the author substantiates the position on the need to actualize the sociology of management as an industry sociological discipline that studies the problems of manageability of social processes, analyzes the mechanisms of the genesis, functioning and transformation of managerial structures in the context of sociocultural changes under the influence of the rapid development of information technologies. The authors believe that research practices focused on the intelligentsia and segments of the population that are in solidarity with it in the new coordinate space “man - computer networks - Internet” in the context of a project-network society should primarily focus on the study of spontaneous and deliberate, that is Healing changes in self-developing communities

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