Nogovitsin, O.N. (2019) Marksistskiy revolyutsionnyy messianizm i antimessianizm konservativnyy v sotsial'no-politicheskoy mysli Rossii nachala XX veka: bogostroiteli i V. V. Rozanov [Marxist revolutionary messianism and conservative anti-messianism in the social and political thought of Russia in the beginning of the 20th century: the God-builders and V. V. Rozanov], in Filosofskiy polilog: Zhurnal Mezhdunarodnogo tsentra izucheniya russkoy filosofii [Philosophical Polylogue: Journal of the International Center for the Study of Russian Philosophy], no. 2, pp. 7–23. DOI: 10.31119 ...

Nogovitsin, O.N. (2019) Marksistskiy revolyutsionnyy messianizm i antimessianizm konservativnyy v sotsial`no-politicheskoy mysli Rossii nachala XX veka: bogostroiteli i V. V. Rozanov [Marxist revolutionary messianism and conservative anti-messianism in the social and political thought of Russia in the beginning of the 20th century: the God-builders and V. V. Rozanov], in Filosofskiy polilog: Zhurnal Mezhdunarodnogo tsentra izucheniya russkoy filosofii [Philosophical Polylogue: Journal of the International Center for the Study of Russian Philosophy], no. 2, pp. 7–23. DOI: 10.31119/phlog.2019.6.1
ISSN 2587-7283
DOI 10.31119/phlog.2019.6.1

Posted on site: 09.01.19


In the article, an attempt is carried out to clarify the inner form and the most important content elements of the supplement of religion which is experienced in itself by both Marxist revolutionary messianism and anti-messianism of conservative consciousness and conservative social and political thought. The metaphysical projection of such clash has an especially historical dimension – in the revolutions and world wars. This kind of metaphysics has been primordially a special type of religious or quasireligious reflection over the destiny of man, i. e. the collective movement of the humanity towards happiness (socialism, Marxism, liberalism), the last to be interpreted differently but obligatory within the logic of collective movement and struggle. The conservative part of this dyad has recognized itself through various forms of nationalism and messianism by means of global historic metanarratives, such as Christian doctrine. Christianity is claimed to have appeared the source of the very idea of historical messianism. In the article, as an example of revolutionary and messianic logic of argumentation, the theory of “propaganda” of Russian Marxist God-builders is considered, while as an example of the latter the criticism of the New Testament by V. V. Rozanov is taken. In the article, an attempt is carried out to clarify the inner form and the most important contentelements of the supplement of religion which is experienced in itself by both Marxist revolutionary messianism and anti-messianism of conservative consciousness and conservative social and political thought. The metaphysical projection of such clash has an especially historical dimension – in the revolutions and world wars. This kind of metaphysics has been primordially a special type of religious or quasireligious reflection over the destiny of man, i. e.the collective movement of the humanity towards happiness (socialism, Marxism, liberalism), the last to be interpreted differently but obligatory within the logic of collective movement and struggle. The conservative part of this dyad has recognized itself through various forms of nationalism and messianism by means of global historic metanarratives, such as Christiandoctrine. Christianity is claimed to have appeared the source of the very idea of historical messianism. In the article, as an example of revolutionary and messianic logic of argumentation, the theory of “propaganda” of Russian Marxist God-builders is considered, while as an example of the latter the criticism of the New Testament by V. V. Rozanov is taken.

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