Small towns in the social space of Russia: [monograph]

Small towns in the social space of Russia: [monograph] / [Ardelyanov A. Y., P. V. Bizyukov, R. G. Braslavsky et al.]; ed. ed. V. V. Markin, M. F. Chernysh; Preface. AK. M. K. Gorshkov. - - M.: SIC Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. – 545 p. URL:
ISBN 978-5-89697-323-2
DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-89697-323-2.2019

Posted on site: 23.01.20

Текст книги.


The center for regional sociology and conflict studies Of the Institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of SCIENCES, together with other divisions of the Russian Academy of Sciences AND regional partners, conducted a comprehensive study of the problems of small cities in modern Russia. The proposed monograph covers theoretical and methodological issues of socio-economic and sociological measurement of the development of small cities in the socio-spatial and socio-territorial discourse, shows the features of social reproduction in small cities, emphasizes regional aspects, analyzes strategies and practices of small cities in the context of sociological analysis. Domestic and foreign experience of improving small cities is considered, which reveals a large reserve of spatial development in Russia. Special attention is paid to recommendations for overcoming negative trends in the socio-economic and socio-cultural spheres of small cities.  The monograph will be of interest both for researchers and specialists in sociology and regional studies, as well as for managers at the local, regional and Federal levels. The center for regional sociology and conflict studies Of the Institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of SCIENCES, together with other divisions of the Russian Academy of Sciences AND regional partners, conducted a comprehensive study of the problems of small cities in modern Russia. The proposed monograph covers theoretical and methodological issues of socio-economic and sociological measurement of the development of small cities in the socio-spatial and socio-territorial discourse, shows the features of social reproduction in small cities, emphasizes regional aspects, analyzes strategies and practices of small cities in the context of sociological analysis. Domestic and foreign experience of improving small cities is considered, which reveals a large reserve of spatial development in Russia. Special attention is paid to recommendations for overcoming negative trends in the socio-economic and socio-cultural spheres of small cities. The monograph will be of interest both for researchers and specialists in sociology and regional studies, as well as for managers at the local, regional and Federal levels.



, , , , Воронов В.В., Горшков М.К., Дамениа О.Н., Дятлов А.В., Епихина Ю.Б., Заборова Е.Н., Землянский Д.Ю., Зубок Ю.А., Калачикова О.Н., , Кинсбурский А.В., Куконков П.И., Ковалев В.В., Малышев М.Л., Маркин В.В., Марков Е.М., Мастикова Н.С., Мирцхулава И.В., Морев М.В., Морозова Н.М., , , , Пешкова В.М., Ракачев В.Н., Роговая А.В., , , Симонова Е.В., Сушко П.Е., Трофимова И.Н., Труба А.С., Устинкин С.В., Черныш М.Ф., Чупров В.И., Чумиков А.Н., Шатипа Х.К., Юдашкин В.А.
Редакторы: Маркин В.В., Черныш М.Ф.

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