Kolonitskii B., Matskevich M. A 'non-used' memory? The anniversary of the 1917 Revolution in contemporary Russia. In: Circles of the Revolution. 1917 in Russia - Local and International Consequenes ...

Kolonitskii B., Matskevich M. A `non-used` memory? The anniversary of the 1917 Revolution in contemporary Russia. In: Circles of the Revolution. 1917 in Russia - Local and International Consequenes / Ed. by L.Adamsky and B.Gajos. Warsaw, 2019. P. 251-272.
ISBN 978-83-64486-72-2

Posted on site: 03.02.20



An anniversary gives rise to a potential which cannot be fully monopolised. Even in closed societies in which commemorative events are strictly controlled by the state, anniversaries are used by different groups to lobby for their interests, as exemplified by the ways in which anniversaries of the revolution have been celebrated both in the USSR and in post-Soviet Russia. Politics of memory related to the revolution of 1917 promoted by various actors in Russia are considered in the article. Various kinds of limitations in terms of the politics of memory subject to review and contemplation. Limited material, financial and human resources; the preceding politics of memory and earlier statements of main actors; actual public attitudes toward historical events and a level of public historical awareness; actual social memory of  the 1917 revolution in Russia; existing political culture, are all considered among the aforementioned limitations.


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