Beshtokov M.V., Odintsova V.I., Uzunova O.Yu., Dashkevich G.V., Demidenko A.S., Mishchenko D.N. The risks of Russian youth socialisation in the era of computer and network technologies. Turismo: Estudos & Práticas (UERN), Mossoró ...

Beshtokov M.V., Odintsova V.I., Uzunova O.Yu., Dashkevich G.V., Demidenko A.S., Mishchenko D.N. The risks of Russian youth socialisation in the era of computer and network technologies. Turismo: Estudos & Práticas (UERN), Mossoró/RN, Caderno Suplementar 01, 2019,
ISSN 2316-1493

Posted on site: 03.02.20



The modern Russian youth is immersed in computer and network technologies, which are becoming a new, powerful channel of communication in the information society. The depth of penetration of such technologies into the life of young people and degree of their influence on socialisation process determines the importance of studying and analyzing their socialisation potential and socialisation risks youth.


Бештоков М.В., Одинцова В.И., , Дашкевич Г.В., Демиденко А.С., Мищенко Д.Н.

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